We present the 2025 edition of The Netizens Choice’s highly anticipated global celebration of beauty, grace, and influence! From Hollywood icons and chart-topping singers to fashion powerhouses, sports stars, and cultural trendsetters, we have carefully curated a list of the top 50 women who captivate the world with their stunning looks, charm, and undeniable presence.
Now, it’s time for you, the netizens, to decide who will rise above the rest and claim the prestigious title of “Most Beautiful Woman Alive 2025.” This competition goes beyond just physical beauty—it honors confidence, charisma, and the unique appeal that makes each nominee stand out.
Join us in celebrating the world’s most mesmerizing women by casting your vote and sharing your thoughts on these extraordinary individuals.
🔹 Vote once per hour
🔹 Deadline: [30th JUNE 2025]
🔹 The top 10 finalists will be featured in global news and on a Times Square screen
🔹 The winner will be crowned Most Beautiful Woman Alive 2025 and will appear on the magazine cover
📲 Important: Also vote on the Netizens Choice app—votes from both the app and website will be combined to determine the final rankings.
>>Winner And Top 10 Finalists Unveiled & Promoted On LED Screens At Times Square New York In December<< (Multiple Time Square Led Screens, Led Truck Parades)
>>Cover The Netizens Choice Mid-Year Magazine Issue Both In Print And Digital <<
Yugmur yuksel
Yağmur yüksel
Yagmur Yuksel
Yağmur Yüksel ❤️❤️
Yagʻmur Yuksal
Yağmur Yüksel
Yagmur Yuksel is my best actrice in the world 😍😍😍😍😍
Yagmur yuksel
Yagmurum,the best,the most beautifull woman in the world. 💞💞💞💞❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yagmurum my darling💖💖💖
Yağmur yüksel
Yağmur Yüksel
Yagmur Yuksel
#SilaTurkoglu for MostBeautifulWomanAlive2025
Because every year this gives them problems. You lose interest in really supporting all your favorite artists when there is no security and it feels more like a waste of time and you don’t even want to voteBecause their poll is not secure, in addition to the fact that it does not fail, they let people use robots to make more votes such as voting every hour, where the logic is for the number of points they have. Netizens if you don’t have security on your website leave only the app and the other social networks. Because every year this gives them problems. You lose interest in really supporting all your favorite artists when there is no security and it feels more like a waste of time and you don’t even want to vote.
Cierto dejan que usen bots,no es confiable el sitió web¿como se da uno cuenta ?fácil,Sila tenía una cantidad y ala media hora sale que subió de sopetón muchos pero muchos votos,la lógica explica que no es posible hacer eso,solo con bots es posible,no me extraña que año tras año ella gana,dan ganas de ya no votar nunca.
Su burcu Yazgi Coskun
Please fix the page is bringing the results not the list of the actresses.
Que la arreglen muchos están usando bots,no puede ser que suban muchos votos de la noche sobre todo Sila.
The app is not working properly, is always bringing the results I haven’t been able to vote. Please fix it.
I vote SılaTürkoğlu fon Most Beautiful Woman Alive 2025 #MBWA2025SılaTürkoğlu @thenetizensreport #NETIZENS HOICES
##SilaTürkoglu Brilla con lus propia como las estrellas.Elegancia, talento,encanto y una bella sonrisa-
Su burce yazgi
#SılaTürkoğlu Su talento es la esencia, su belleza cautiva, su estilo deja huella y su glamour ilumina la pantalla
De ce este blocata votarea ?
Sila Turkoglu
Çok güzelsin zümrüt gözlüm
#SılaTürkoğlu SılaTürkoğlu
#SilaTürkoğlu Talento y belleza
Please fix the problem, every time is bringing the results and we cannot vote, is very frustrating 😣 that we can’t support our favorite actress. Is been 24 hours since I haven’t been able to vote. It is not fair because of your problems our favorite actress loses votes.
My vote is for #SılaTürkoğlu
[email protected]
#SılaTürkoğlu for Most Beautiful Woman Alive 2025
#SılaTürkoğlu for Most Beautiful Woman Alive 2025
[email protected]
I vote dilraba♥️♥️♥️
#SılaTürkoğlu Brllrza natural, talento, simplicidady pureza.
#SılaTürkoğlu Sencilla, natural y muy bella
#SılaTürkoğlu is the most beautiful woman in the world and the most talented.
[email protected]
Yağmur Yüksel
Который день сайт не даёт возможность оставить свой голос, постоянно показывает результат.
I want to nominate Ozge Yagiz, please put her name on the list
Обеспечите бесперебойную работу голосования. Невозможно оставить свой голос, сайт постоянно показывает только результат
#SılaTürkoğlu Su talento es la esencia, su belleza cautiva, su estilo deja huella y su glamour ilumina la pantalla
Your Burcu Yazgı Coşkun is such a naturally beautiful woman 🤍
Please fix the problem, app is always crashing it brings the results not the list of our favorite actress, is not fair.
my vote is for #SılaTürkoğlu
Su borcu yazgi❤️❤️🥺🥺
Nu se poate vota de două zile.
Nu pot vota. Înșelăciune