With South Korea’s film and drama industry continuing to thrive on a global scale, it’s no surprise that the charm and visuals of Korean actors captivate audiences both locally and internationally.
As part of The Netizens Report 2025 year-end edition, which will highlight key entertainment trends, we have nominated some of the most handsome Korean actors of the year. At the end of the voting period, the top ten will be ranked and featured in the news as well as on a Times Square screen. The actor with the highest number of votes will be crowned the winner and showcased on the magazine cover.
🔹 Vote once per hour
🔹 Deadline: JUNE 31St
📲 Important: Also vote on the Netizens Choice app—votes from both the app and website will be combined to determine the final rankings!
Мой голос за яркого, талантливого, многогранного и красивого – Ли Джун Ги!
Ли Мин Хо ❤️❤️❤️
Ли Джун Ги- лучший! Lee Joon Gi are the best !
If only you my lovely Sunshine JCW 🤗💛💛💛
Se supone que podemos votar una vez cada hora y no he podido dar mis votos desde ayer 😡
Ли Мин Хо🤍🤍🤍
Мой голос за удивительного человека и актера!
🌟🌟🌟❤️Ли Джун Ги❤️🌟🌟🌟
Король планеты всей!!! Достоин самых высших похвал!!!
Falta Kim Hyun Joong
Exactly 😔
Why is KIM HYUN JOONG not added this year ???
O meu príncipe das covinhas KSH
Nosso príncipe.
Good afternoon. Why is the percentage shown rather than the number of votes? Please make the number of votes as it was before, as it is not clear whether your vote passed or not. Thank you.
O mais belo dentre os homens 🥰😍
Porque no se puede votar aquí? No da la opción de votar, por favor si pueden verificar ese detalle.
Me pasa lo mismo, sólo pude dar un voto y nada más
Lindo,carismático, elegante…✨️✨️👏👏
jichangwook the most beautiful, the best❣️❣️🇧🇷
My vida
Tu te tornas eternamente responsável por aquilo que cativas, Soo Hyun. ❤️❤️❤️
No puedo votar, después de un voto la página se quedó permanentemente si la opción de votar 🙁
Любимейший актер Чжи Чан Ук!!!
Мой голос за Мино♥️он особенный среди этого созвездия!
Lee Min Ho самый лучший.